Intuitive Self Defence (ISD) is a way of looking at self defence that builds upon YOUR intuition and knowledge rather than starting from scratch, allowing you to develop self defence skills in a way that is individual and perfect for you.
The four pillars of Intuitive Self Defence are Intuition, Warrior Spirit, relaxation and technical skill. Will use traditional and modern training methods to develop these four aspects of ISD for you.
Martial arts are valuable for learning self defence but they take a long time to learn properly. If you wanted to learn martial arts, you would have most likely already started or if not, you can learn Tai Chi with me!
The way that martial arts teach self defence is by creating scenarios with solutions and acting them though. It is a tried and tested method used by special military forces around the world as well as martial artists.
In Intuitive Self Defence, we do not try to over write what you have already learned and picked up during your lifetime. We ask you "What would you do if......" and then see what we can do to improve your response.
In this way, you are building upon what your instincts would tell you rather than starting from afresh.
The actual "fighting" part of self defence is not the biggest aspect albeit important. It is more important to avoid getting into the situation in the first place.
It is your instincts that we will build upon here. YOU are the best judge of your situation especially if you have the confidence to act upon your own instincts. We will do exercises and meditation work to allow us to listen more deeply to our instincts.
The Four Pillars
Intuitive Self Defence (ISD) is supported by four pillars of knowledge and experience:-
1. Intuition - you may not think that intuition can be trained but it can. You will learn how to sharpen your instincts so that you can usually avoid a difficult situation or use your own natural intuitive responses where you need to. This is the key element for ISD - learning to trust yourself and be confident with yourself.
2. Warrior Spirit - learn how to not be the "weakest animal in the pack", to avoid being picked off by the bad guys.
3. Relaxation - the more relaxed you are in any dangerous situation, the more effectively you can deal with it. Also, any would be attackers will usually be intimidated if they think that they have not managed to scare you.
4. Technique - sometimes we need to get physical. Learn how to cause your attacker the maximum pain with the minimum effort from you. An understanding of technique will also strengthen the first three pillars - intuition, Warrior Spirit and relaxation
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Ray Pawlett