The Shiatsu Society amongst others have data showing that Shiatsu interventions can benefit a wide range of disorders and problems. Numerous research studies, articles, case studies and systematic reviews of Shiatsu, including randomised clinical trials, have been published in professional and peer-reviewed journals.
As a result, the evidence base for Shiatsu is continuing to grow – in both quantity and quality.
Multiple research studies have found that Shiatsu correlates with improvements to:
· Back & Muscle pain
· Menopausal symptoms
· Fibromyalgia
· Digestive problems
· High blood pressure
· Anxiety
· Depression
· Stress
Evaluating the impact of delivering Shiatsu at a general practice surgery in Sheffield, one study found that Shiatsu treatments led to significantly fewer doctors’ visits and reduced drug prescriptions for patients living with a range of chronic conditions.³
“ Shiatsu treatments over a five-week period lowered cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine in blood levels ”
Shiatsu treatment studies have shown clinically beneficial shifts in stress hormones, as well as an improvement in sleep and activation of the immune system.
Research into the well-being concerns of cancer and palliative care patients receiving Shiatsu in an outpatient clinic has indicated positive results.
An independent, cross-country evaluation of the benefits of Shiatsu, commissioned by the European Shiatsu Federation and led by a team of researchers at the University of Leeds, found that over a six-month period between 84% and 87% of participating Shiatsu clients felt that Shiatsu had been effective in treating their symptoms.
“ Overall total sickness absence from paid employment dropped by at least 50%
Based on the experiences of 948 Shiatsu clients in the UK, Austria and Spain, the study reported a healthier workforce with reduced sickness absenteeism. Additionally, a high proportion of clients made positive lifestyle changes taking increased rest, relaxation and exercise.
The results from these studies and others show that Shiatsu has great potential not only for strengthening and maintaining client health, but also for improving the quality of life for many people.
The studies also suggest that the reduced use of healthcare and medication has potential implications for reducing public healthcare costs and loss of work time due to illness, stress and fatigue.
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